Environmental Remediation of Melaka River with Geotube® Dewatering
Animal waste specialists successfully utilized Geotube Dewatering technology to remove solids from lagoons and apply these as a nutrient to the fields.
The sand drying beds available at the facility would not provide the capacity to do this in the time allowed. The city turned to Geotube® Dewatering technology as a simple low cost solution.
Annual hydraulic dredging of sediments are required from an inlet settling basin at a 30MGD drinking water plant. Over time the settling basin fills with river sediments and filter backwash sludge.
Prichard, AL is a town of about 30,000 people north of Mobile, AL. There are two wastewater treatment plants that service this area. Geotube® dewatering technology was able to improve efficiency, and reduce costs.
In recent years, Ontario’s legislature and the Ministry of Environment (MOE) produced a policy paper announcing their intent to eliminate the land application of untreated septage.
Geotube® dewatering and containment technology was selected to beneficially reuse the wasted tailings to build a series of dams to prevent potential long term problems at this site.
The Wheelabrator facility located in Lisbon, CT utilizes a storage tank for collection of scrubber water resulting from the incineration of trash and wood.
Many states are faced with the problem of dealing with tailings and residues from mining, road building, and other sources that pose a threat to groundwater.
Lunda Construction was subcontracted by Michels Corporation to drill 35 foot diameter down-shafts to facilitate the installation of a pipeline between the Manitowoc River and the Fox River in De Pere.